
Station XIII
Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross

What tender mourning! Jesus' lifeless body lays in his mother's arms.
He has truly died. A profound sacrifice, complete.

Reader: We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee.
All: Because by thy holy cross
thou hast redeemed the world.


I behold this scene at the foot of the cross.
I contemplate touching, caressing his body.
I remember all his hands have touched,
all who have been blessed by his warm embrace.
I pause to let it soak in.
He knows the mystery of death.
He has fallen into God's hands.

For me.
That I might love as I have been loved.
I pour out my heart to the God of all mercies.

Jesus, may thy cross defend me,
and thy saving death befriend me,
cherished by thy deathless grace: